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Questions tagged [space-dust]

Questions about Cosmic-dust which is a dust found in the cosmos, capable of interacting with the electromagnetic radiation and they are formed by supernovae, birth of star. Use [tag:dust] for dust and particulates associated with the surface of a body.

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-1 votes
2 answers

1 kiloton nuclear device to clear up debris and dust to expose the iron-nickel core for open-pit mining (on M-Type asteroids)?

My understanding is that initial acceleration from the blast and following solar wind will clear the area around the asteroid for spacecraft navigation (in reasonable time). A 2-3 kilometer M-type ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Has Zodiacal light been observed from other locations than Earth&Moon?

Zodiacal light has long been known to observers on the Earth, and it has also been photographed from the Moon (well, from its orbit). But I've failed to find any example of a photo from other ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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What are the chances a space probe will make it to another star without hitting a bit of space dust?

tl;dr: What is the density of "space dust" or micrometeorites in interstellar space, and how likely is it that a tiny interstellar craft could avoid hitting any? In a future time we will likely ...
spaceprobe's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why is there no exosphere demonstrating moon dust and particles in the Apollo footage?

I have read dust levitates on the moon's surface extending to 100 miles in the sky (horizon) creating an exosphere. Dust levitates because the surface of the moon and dust particles have become ...
Scott Brown's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What joints of Apollo 17 space suits did moon dust get into, making the astronauts arms difficult to move?

At about 02:45 the Curious Droid video Apollo, the Lunar Dust and NASA's Dirty Problem says: During Apollo 17, crew members Harrison “Jack” Schmitt and Gene ...
uhoh's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Speed to maneuver with flaps and ailerons in interstellar dust

I know the interstellar space is not empty. It has (among micrometeorites and gas clouds) interstellar dust. And the effect of the dust is more noticeable if the speed of the starship increases (we ...
Carlos Zamora's user avatar
3 votes
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What will the condition of the Voyager craft be like far enough into the future so as to have "truly" exited the Solar System?

I am curious about this. I saw this article:
The_Sympathizer's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

High velocity particle impact on humans in outer space

The Earth is constantly bombarded by matter from space. Is there any risk of high velocity dust particle/micro-object (cosmic garbage e.g.) impact on astronauts while in outer space? What chance is ...
rook's user avatar
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How bright would electrostatically suspended dust above the lunar surface be? Has it ever been measured?

@TomSpilker's answer to Is there any Scientific Benefit to the Lower Albedo levels on the Darkside of the Moon? mentions the potential effect of dust from the lunar regolith being slightly ...
uhoh's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Did a particle hit the second stage of the Falcon Heavy in this video from the Starman stream?

The silver material surrounding the base of the Falcon Heavy second-stage engine jerks suddenly in this video from the Starman stream at 3:31:26 Is this due to a particle impact?
Jim M's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Where to read about early work in the detection of dust impacts on solar observing spacecraft?

I've read in a side note included in this nice answer that : Fun Side Note: The FIELDS instrument is planning to look for dust by detecting the electric field pulses resulting from the plasma ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 149k
21 votes
4 answers

Does the Moon have any captured objects orbiting it?

Does our moon have any captured objects orbiting it that have been discovered, such as asteroids or other debris? If it doesn't, is it possible that it could capture them in the future, given the ...
Ezra Bailey's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Do solar panels on satellites gather dust and need cleaning?

As a follow-up to Does cosmic dust pose a problem for long-term satellites, telescopes and probes?, assuming satellite's long duration stay in Earth's orbit – let's for the sake of argument assume a ...
iskarina's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Does cosmic dust pose a problem for long-term satellites, telescopes and probes?

We have many long-term satellite observatories and probes in outer space way above the Earth's magnetosphere, and some of them progressively cruising out of our Solar system. Off the top of my head, ...
TildalWave's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

What's the (particle) density of the asteroid belt?

Obviously the asteroid belt is pretty sparsly populated. But how sparsly exactly? What is the state of knowledge regarding how many particles are there in a given size bracket and a volume, what ...
mart's user avatar
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