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Questions tagged [tractor-les]

Launch Escape Systems (LES) come in two basic modes. Tractor and pusher. A tractor LES has the rockets atop and they pull the craft away.

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5 votes
1 answer

How do the G loads from various abort systems compare?

With the SpaceX Pad Abort on peoples minds, I was wondering. How does it compare to other abort systems in terms of G load on the passengers. SpaceX reports that their abort G load is around 4G's. ...
geoffc's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Has a pad abort ever been done on an actual launch?

In light of the recent SpaceX Dragon test, I was wondering if any pad aborts have ever been performed during an actual launch? To my limited knowledge, none have occurred, despite the Soyuz and Apollo ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Will the EFT-1 mission for Orion carry an escape tower?

December 2014 is the scheduled date for the Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) mission of the Orion space capsule. It will be launched on a Delta IV Heavy rocket as a surrogate for the unavailable SLS ...
geoffc's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Are there any Pusher Launch Escape Systems in actual use?

Previous manned spaceflight vehicles, that had a Launch Escape System (Excluding you space shuttle!) usually seemed to favor the notion of a tractor (Puller) style LES. That is, the manned module ...
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