NASA Ames's feature [CAPSTONE’s CubeSat Prepares for Lunar Flight]( says

>CAPSTONE will use a hydrazine-fueled propulsion system during most of its three- to four- month journey to the Moon. This line of propulsion system, developed by Stellar Exploration Inc. of San Luis Obispo, California, is a recently developed and flight-proven system developed for use on CubeSats. The team recently completed a fueling and final test-fire of CAPSTONE’s propulsion system at Stellar Exploration’s facility and is integrating the system with the spacecraft. 
>But before CAPSTONE fires its own thrusters, Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket will launch the mission from Earth carrying the CAPSTONE spacecraft integrated onto its new Lunar Photon upper stage/spacecraft. For the mission, **Lunar Photon will serve as an upper stage to get CAPSTONE to a highly efficient ballistic lunar transfer trajectory designed by Advanced Space of Colorado. About seven days after launch, after a series of orbit raising maneuvers and the final trans-lunar injection burn, Photon will release CAPSTONE.** After the deep space, low energy transfer, the CAPSTONE spacecraft will insert itself into the near rectilinear halo orbit. **At the same time, Lunar Photon will continue to a separate orbit for its safe disposal.**

**Question:** After inserting CAPSTONE into a "highly efficient ballistic lunar transfer trajectory" how will Lunar Photon continue to what separate orbit for its safe disposal how? 

 1. What separate orbit? 
 2. Safe disposal where? How?