You can use a root solving method to calculate eccentric anomaly
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

As you stated, Kepler's equation for eccentric / mean anomaly and eccentricity is:

$M=E-e sin(E)$

and there is no closed form solution for E as a function of M but you can still iteratively calculate E.

You can set this up as a root solving problem by subtracting M from both sides of the equation to create a function that you want to find the root of (or when it equals 0 as a function of E):


The root solver's solution will then calculate a value of E such that this equation equals 0, thus telling you the eccentric anomaly that satisfies Kepler's equation (the solution).

For a Newton root solver you need to calculate the derivative of this function (with respect to E), which is:


With those two equations, values for mean anomaly (M), eccentricity (e), and an initial guess for eccentric anomaly (E) (this can be 0), the Newton root solver will calculate the solution.

As other comments stated, this only works for closed orbits (circular and elliptical), because by definition parabolic and hyperbolic orbits don't have a period, therefore mean anomaly is not defined.

Here's a good diagram explaining mean anomaly ( ). To summarize it, mean anomaly is the "true anomaly" of an orbit with the same period as the orbit you are modeling, except it is circular, thus has a constant ("mean") angular velocity.

Here is the Python script used for making this plot. The Newton root solver can be found here:

    Create visualizations for Kepler's equation
    of Mean / Eccentric anomalies and eccentricity
    from numerical_tools import newton_root_single_args
    from numerical_tools import d2r, r2d
    import numpy             as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 'dark_background' )
    def keplers_eq( E, args ):
    	return E - args[ 'e' ] * np.sin( E ) - args[ 'M' ] 
    def dkep_dE( E, args ):
    	return 1.0 - args[ 'e' ] * np.cos( E )
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    	args0   = { 'M': 100 * d2r, 'e': 0.0 }
    	args1   = { 'M': 100 * d2r, 'e': 0.5 }
    	args2   = { 'M': 100 * d2r, 'e': 0.9 }
    	args3   = { 'M': 200 * d2r, 'e': 0.1 }
    	args4   = { 'M': 200 * d2r, 'e': 0.9 }
    	Es      = np.arange( 0, 2 * np.pi, 0.01 )
    	Es_deg  = Es * r2d
    	args    = [ args0, args1, args2, args3, args4 ]
    	colors  = [ 'r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm' ]
    	labels  = [ '0 | $M=100,e=0$', '1 | $M=100,e=0.5$', '2 | $M=100,e=0.9$' ]
    	labels += [ '3 | $M=200,e=0.1$', '4 | $M=200,e=0.9$' ]
    	plt.figure( figsize = ( 12, 8 ) )
    	for n in range( len( args ) ):
    		fs   = keplers_eq( Es, args[ n ] )
    		root = newton_root_single_args( keplers_eq, dkep_dE, 0.0, args[ n ] )
    		plt.plot( Es_deg, fs, colors[ n ], label = labels[ n ] )
    		plt.plot( root[ 0 ] * r2d, 0, colors[ n ] + 'o' )
    	plt.ylabel( 'f( E )' )
    	plt.xlabel( 'E $(degrees)$' )
    	plt.grid( linestyle = 'dotted' )
