SpaceShipOne was unsafe<sup>1</sup>, barely met its requirements <sup>2</sup> (which was certainly good enough) and was designed specifically to win the prize. The tiny crew compartment meant that there was zero incentive to certify it for passengers; it would certainly have not been economic for tourist flights. [![enter image description here][1]][1] I wouldn't call it a prototype since it was designed to meet certain requirements, met them, and was retired before it killed anybody. <sup>1</sup> "SpaceShipOne had lost control. It spiraled up, making twenty-nine rotations." <sup>2</sup> "To solve the problem that SpaceShipOne barely reached space even when much lighter than it would have been for an Ansari X Prize attempt..." Source: *Burt Rutan's Race to Space*, Dan Linehan, 2011 [1]: