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Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX, is a private space exploration company. It was the world's first privately held company to successfully launch a cargo mission into space , cargo to the ISS (International Space Station), land and reuse a booster, and a crewed mission into orbit. See the wiki for related tags.

13 votes

Why does the government still fund SLS while SpaceX is cheaper and has the same capabilities...

All the answers are right in their own way. One thing that is not addressed: The Falcon Heavy is not even remotly on par with the SLS in terms of rocket diameter and payload mass. According to Wikiped …
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23 votes
4 answers

Why does the Falcon 9 use RP-1/LOx and not LH2/LOx?

Why does SpaceX use RP-1 in the first and second stages of their rockets? In my view at least the second stage could use hydrogen as it currently is not being reused. …