Why is the value of the Isp of the Rocketdyne J-2 Saturn V engine in my calculation so off?
You're just mixing up data from different sources.
The fact sheet you got the flowrates from also gives a different Isp value, 424. Notice that the thrust given on that same fact sheet is lower than ...
How I can find the angular orbital velocity of satellite in circle orbit?
per Kepler's third law
The ratio of the square of an object's orbital period with the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit is the same for all objects orbiting the same primary.
You've specified ...
GMAT LEO spacecraft simulation
If you just want to propagate the spacecraft based on TLE information, you can do so using the GMAT built-in SGP4 propagator (assuming you are using R2022a, if using 2020a you will need to download ...
GMAT LEO spacecraft simulation
...how do I plug the TLE numbers into the spacecraft section (Keplerian element section specifically) in GMAT...?
The following answer will presuppose that you've read through the manual and ...
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