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11 votes

How does a closed-cycle rocket engine keep the chamber pressure from stalling the pump turbine?

At least in the Space Shuttle Main Engine, the high-pressure pump turbines didn't stall because the preburners operated at much, much higher pressure than the main combustion chamber. The preburners ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
8 votes

How do closed cycle liquid engines actually work?

Yes, closed-cycle engines take the (now gaseous) preburner exhaust & indeed guide it through the injector manifold, injector face, & into the combustion chamber to be fully combusted. For a ...
Anton Hengst's user avatar
  • 11.2k
3 votes

How Spacex's Raptor Rocket Engine starts?

Cold gas thrusters are used when necessary to settle the propellants first. The start up process for Raptor has very complex timing, but broadly: Pressurized helium held in Carbon Overwrapped Pressure ...
Slarty's user avatar
  • 10.1k

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