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12 votes

How will the Polaris Dawn cabin pressure and oxygen partial pressure dovetail with that of their EVA suits? (100% oxygen?)

Partial answer to Is this a fire safety issue? Does the lower total pressure decrease the danger? I have no detailed (or even sketchy) knowledge about how SpaceX does it but... There are definite ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
2 votes

How will the Polaris Dawn cabin pressure and oxygen partial pressure dovetail with that of their EVA suits? (100% oxygen?)

Wow, 3 Questions in one... but all nice ones! Let's begin with the first one: The last crewed vehicle with a 100% oxygen atmosphere was the Apollo Spacecraft during the Apollo Soyuz Test Project in ...
TrySCE2AUX's user avatar
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Why will the Polaris Dawn "pre-breathe" be so long (45 hours) and gradual? What are the proposed advantages over a short one?

It may be due to the difficulties in navigating the atmospheric composition and pressure from mostly high pressure nitrogen with 21% oxygen to low pressure oxygen with no nitrogen whilst avoiding too ...
Slarty's user avatar
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20 votes

What (if any) pre-breathes were "attempted" on the ISS, and why?

There is always a prebreathe prior to an EVA from the US side of the ISS. Prior to each EVA, an oxygen prebreathe is conducted to prevent the crew from getting the bends after depressurization of the ...
Organic Marble's user avatar

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