41 votes

Unix Epoch in International Space Station

POSIX time doesn't include leap seconds, and is not implemented the same way in every UNIX, so it routinely gets inconsistent for several seconds every couple of years. It is not a high-precision ...
Ryan C's user avatar
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Unix Epoch in International Space Station

No. Computer clocks are inaccurate. They rely on constant corrections to maintain the correct time. Since their inaccuracy is much bigger than the time speed difference between earth and the ISS, it ...
Antzi's user avatar
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28 votes

Unix Epoch in International Space Station

It doesn’t yet matter for most practical purposes. The slowdown from faster motion and speedup from a weaker gravitational field partly cancel out, and the net effect is that time on the ISS is only 0....
Mike Scott's user avatar
21 votes

How can we transmit a date to another species?

The approach taken by Voyager Golden Record is through use of pulsars. Unlike the insane exponents needed to utilize microscopic physical phenomena or planck time, pulsars operate on ~1 second ...
SF.'s user avatar
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How can we transmit a date to another species?

Our basic unit of time, the second, is officially defined in terms of physical phenomena, so our messages have to get that across. If the aliens and ourselves have a compatible understanding of ...
Russell Borogove's user avatar
8 votes

Unix Epoch in International Space Station

Computers on the ISS do not rely on UNIX/POSIX time, they rely on GPS time. Broadcast time is the time broadcast from ISS computers that is intended to be indicative of current time. The broadcast ...
2012rcampion's user avatar
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What is the right way to get Mars' sol?

Reading further down the Wikipedia page, it is clear that no general agreement exists on how the Martian calendar should be described. There are at least seven different proposed calendars, but none ...
Ryan C's user avatar
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How can we transmit a date to another species?

One value for time is common for all species, the planck time. It depends only on mathemathical/physical concepts. But you will have to explain to them the powers of 10 as well because else you would ...
Nyny's user avatar
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Do the Voyager probes experience time moving faster due to relativity?

You can see this answer for the formulae. We would expect that Voyager 1's local time is faster than Earth time by about one part in one hundred million. I don't think that the Voyager oscillator is ...
Mark Adler's user avatar
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3 votes

Time when traveling around the speed of light

I think you've misunderstood something; there's no generally accepted model for light-speed-or-faster travel, and so there's no generally accepted model for the passage of time in such a mode. There ...
Russell Borogove's user avatar
3 votes

Beating Time Dilation With Time Dilation?

Once you exceed lightspeed, external time would run backwards instead of forwards. This is where it all falls down. You're applying the laws of relativity to FTL travel, but the laws of relativity, ...
Declan Murphy's user avatar
3 votes

How can we transmit a date to another species?

One option nobody else mentioned is cosmic microwave background. If you can encode the current temperature of the universe in a way the receiving aliens understand, they will either have a record of ...
JohnEye's user avatar
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How are Experienced and Observed Mission Elapsed Times defined? (EMET & OMET)

How are EMET and OMET defined? I understood the answer to be an example of what the timing on an interstellar mission would look like. In other words, the definitions of EMET and OMET are that answer....
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
3 votes

Unix Epoch in International Space Station

Unix time is (sloppily) based on UTC, which in turn is based on TAI (international atomic time). TAI is a coordinate time, an implementation of TT (terrestrial time) defined to be equal to proper SI ...
John Doty's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the right way to get Mars' sol?

The Mars Solar Date system is defined by Michael Allison and Megan McEwen in their paper "A post-Pathfinder evaluation of aerocentric solar coordinates with improved timing recipes for Mars ...
Erin Anne's user avatar
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Why would light take time to reach distance if space and time are relative?

The distance (and time) shrink from the viewpoint of the fast-moving object, but not from the viewpoint of a stationary observer.
Steve Linton's user avatar
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1 vote

How can we transmit a date to another species?

Time-keeping is a particularly interesting subject for me. There are multiple ways you can communicate a date, and some sort of system of keeping time to reference that to. Some constants in nature ...
Shreyas R's user avatar
1 vote

How can we transmit a date to another species?

Well, the speed of light is never going to change. That being the case, one method could be to use light years as a means to calculate time. 'x light years from now' could be the way to specify a ...
s5v's user avatar
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Can the Oberth effect cause space-time distortions?

Can the Oberth effect cause space-time distortions? No, but the mass(es) used for the maneuver might. Note that the velocity of the spacecraft performing the maneuver might cause a slowing of it's ...
Andrew Thompson's user avatar
1 vote

Time dilation between Earth and a similar planet revolving around a supermassive Black hole

You are a lot further down a gravity well when you are in the vicinity of a black hole. That alone can explain time dilation factors without even considering the extreme velocity that object must ...
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