5 votes

Were the landing gear doors closed during the Approach and Landing Tests?

Enterprise's landing gear was lowered once while mounted to the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. Prior to the first free flight, shuttle commander Fred Haise wanted to be absolutely sure the gear-deploy ...
Don Rudolph II's user avatar
4 votes

What are the implications of claiming space heritage if you don't have it?

There are lots of ways that claims are made. When a scientist writes an abstract for a paper, the abstract will generally "make claims" that will hopefully be substantiated later in the ...
phil1008's user avatar
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3 votes

CubeSat dispensers: amplify or dampen vibration loads on spacecraft?

Turns out that Steve Furger wrote a whole Masters thesis on exactly this topic! It was an excellent read and contained answers to my question and lots more. In the Z-direction, where CubeSats get ...
James Paul Mason's user avatar
3 votes

Why does SpaceX's integrated booster test not attempt to relight the second stage engines

For the upper stage, success or failure of such a test would have a relatively large effect on landing location and a failed test could potentially result in damage or loss of control, making it ...
Christopher James Huff's user avatar
3 votes

Is the acoustic horn at Stennis Space Center still there? Is it used?

The tower was demolished between the end of 2012 and the end of 2014. Its coordinates on Google Earth was 30°22'38.64"N and 89°35'57.62"W. There is satellite imagery of it standing with the ...
jared's user avatar
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2 votes

How to simulate the environment of the moon for rovers on earth?

Parts of the rover, such as the suspension, drive train, and autonomous decision making, navigation, and obstacle avoidance capabilities can tested by creating a multi-physics model of the rover and ...
phil1008's user avatar
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How many of these six military "orbital threat" techniques have been demonstrated in a (more or less) publicly recognized way?

robotic mechanisms Further to NG's MEV-1 and MEV-2 projects already mentioned, China joined this club in 2021-22. Although termed "space debris mitigation" by the PRC, its uses otherwise, ...
blobbymcblobby's user avatar

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