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Cornelis's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Europe
13 votes

Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) Compiler?

12 votes

Has Curiosity started driving backwards yet?

11 votes

Which scientific articles together give proof of all the chemical elements found on Mars?

11 votes

Perseverance Rover to drive carefully for months while helicopter hangs from underside?

9 votes

Do Mars rovers protect optical windows during dust storms? Do they "avert their eyes" or do they just "grin and bear it"?

8 votes

For how long do the various earth-moon lagrangian points receive sunlight each month?

8 votes

What was the driving record of each rover on Mars in one sol, and when?

7 votes

What is the maximum distance between two satellites orbiting at 400 km that would still allow them to communicate with each other using radio waves?

7 votes

Why make Ingenuity survive some "brutally cold Martian nights" before its first attempt at flight?

7 votes

Where exactly are those eight steep slopes on Mars revealing structures of buried ice?

7 votes

How did the Curiosity rover on Mars manage to crack open a large area after drilling a hole?

7 votes

Is there likely to be life in Venus's upper atmosphere?

6 votes

What is the warmest place on Mars?

6 votes

Is really almost all the water in the atmosphere of Venus above the clouds?

6 votes

Where exactly on Mars was Curiosity when this image was taken?

6 votes

Would it be possible to "ride the wave" on Venus?

5 votes

How feasible is it to grow algae on Mars to use as food, plastic and oxygen production?

5 votes

How tall are the "cliffs of the delta" in the Perseverance rover's landing ellipse?

4 votes

After one year exploring Jezero's crater floor, has there been any investigation into the presence of trace elements with PIXL?

4 votes

Which were the more than 60 (!) candidate locations for the Mars 2020 rover?

4 votes

Are the Perseverance rover's "drivers" working on Martian sols or Earth days right now?

4 votes

Is it possible for Curiosity to broadcast live HD television from Mars to Earth?

4 votes

How much does pressure on Mars change with weather?

4 votes

Has SpaceX said much publicly about uncrewed landings on the surface of the Moon or Mars?

4 votes

What is the closest distance a human being has come to Mars ever since the beginning of the space age?

3 votes

Mars twilight photos

3 votes

Has Curiosity started driving backwards yet?

3 votes

How much sulphuric acid is on Venus?

3 votes

Why paint only one-half of Bennu?

3 votes

What is the surface temperature distribution of Venus?