Professional unemployment benefit collector, freelance operator of houseplant watering equipment, freelance mall Santa Claus, passionate enthusiast of nothing of substance.
I would guess that description makes you feel superior and smirk in contempt for me, doesn't it? Doesn't it?
If your sense of self-worth is derived exclusively from providing utility for society, and your whole identity is entirely based on the job you are occupied with, you are setting yourself for a miserable awakening. At all times, you are one disabling accident, one crippling medical condition, and one economic turmoil away from losing all of your utility, and thus all of your extrinsically defined self-worth. Why would you voluntarily dehumanize yourself in such a manner, degrading your role in this world to that of a tool? A useful tool, but tool nonetheless, and disposable one on top of that. All tools, while definitely appreciated for their qualities, gradually wear out over time. Once worn out, tools get disposed of. Are you a man, or a mule? Thanks for reading my obnoxious bio.
-- user47149
MarshalMay 28, 2022
ElectorateJun 7, 2022
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