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Bear's user avatar
Bear's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • Dulles, VA, United States
52 votes

Have we attempted to experimentally confirm gravitational time dilation?

21 votes

Will there be live HD television from Mars with the Mars 2020 mission?

15 votes

Is there any money in space?

7 votes

Can satellites or the ISS be seen from Earth during a Total Solar Eclipse?

7 votes

Are there any initiatives for automated (not remotely-controlled), manned space missions?

7 votes

Is it possible for entomopter to fly on Mars carrying payload of 1-2kg?

6 votes

What does it take to make a spacecraft able to launch on any out of several different launcher types?

6 votes

Satellite manufacture and cleanliness

4 votes

What is this "space ring"? Is it SHERPA or something new, or just "art"?

2 votes

How will NavCube (actually) be important for the XCOM testing and demonstration?

2 votes

Could robotic ornithopter have all energy it needs to be able to fly from solar power?

2 votes

Could shooting down space junk with a dirtside air cannon actually work?

1 vote

Why did NASA release JWST image of SMACS 0723 one day before the scheduled time?