I can only guess 509356 is not S509356.
JPL's Horizons doesn't appear to recognise any of the identifiers in the linked TLE for that designator
\# Worst residual: 6.23 km \# MJD 57389.000000 (2016 Jan 2 0:00) 2015-019C = NORAD 41929 = S509356 = WJ2AD07 1 41929U 15019C 16002.49921083 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 560 2 41929 049.9344 338.1882 6058496 022.6497 174.4363 00.27904573 06
The mean motion of 00.27904573 is an orbit of 3.5836420 days
It was later identified* as an upper stage for a Chinese launch, so the provisional identifier didn't get turned into a solar system body, which might explain why you can't find it in Horizons.
It has a ground track that looks a bit like a captains sleeve insignia.