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def deriv(X, t):
    x, v = X.reshape(2, -1)
    xx   = x.reshape(-1, 3)
    n    = xx.shape[0]
    accs = []
    for i in range(n):
        acc = np.zeros(3)
        for j in range(4):
            if j != i:
                xxij = xx[i] - xx[j]
                acc += -GM4[j] * xxij * ((xxij**2).sum())**-1.5
    accs = np.hstack(accs)

    return np.hstack((v, accs))

def rotatem(X, theta):
    cth, sth = [f(theta) for f in (np.cos, np.sin)]
    x, y, z = X
    xr = cth*x - sth*y
    yr = cth*y + sth*x
    return np.vstack((xr, yr, z))

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.integrate import odeint as ODEint

GMe   = 3.9860E+14   # m/s
GMm   = 4.9049E+12
GMs   = 1.3271E+20
GMj   = 1.2669E+17
GM4   = GMe, GMm, GMs, GMj
R4    = 6378137., 1738100., 696392000., 71492000.   # m
names = 'Earth', 'Moon', 'Sun', 'Jupiter'

Re, Rm, Rs, Rj = R4

vescs = [np.sqrt(2.*GM/R) for (GM, R) in zip(GM4, R4)]
vesce = vescs[0]

for name, vesc in zip(names, vescs):
    print (name, vesc)
X0e  = 1000. * np.array([1.3539E+07, -1.5044E+08, -7.7480E+03,
                         2.9164E+01,  2.5290E+00,  8.3979E-04])

X0m  = 1000. * np.array([1.3481E+07, -1.5083E+08,  1.7757E+04,
                         3.0127E+01,  2.3628E+00, -6.1480E-02])

X0s  = 1000. * np.array([9.8486E+04,  1.0333E+06, -1.3866E+04,
                         -1.2308E-02,  6.41628E-03,  3.0230E-04])

X0j  = 1000. * np.array([-4.9851E+08, -6.3418E+08,  1.3781E+07,
                         1.0118E+01, -7.4520E+00, -1.9535E-01])

X0x  = np.hstack([x[:3] for x in (X0e, X0m, X0s, X0j)])
X0v  = np.hstack([x[3:] for x in (X0e, X0m, X0s, X0j)])

d = np.array(((-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0),
              (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0),
              (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)), dtype=float)

xobs = (d*Re + X0e[:3]).flatten()

factor = 1.02
vobs = (d*vesce*factor + X0e[3:]).flatten()

X0x  = np.hstack((X0x, xobs))
X0v  = np.hstack((X0v, vobs))

X0   = np.hstack((X0x, X0v))

rs   = np.sqrt((X0x.reshape(-1, 3)**2).sum(axis=0))

for name, vesc, r in zip(names, vescs, rs):
    print (name, vesc, r)

times = np.arange(0, 365*24*3600, 10000)

answer, info = ODEint(deriv, X0, times, full_output=True)

n          = answer.shape[0]
xall, vall = answer.T.reshape(2, -1, 3, n)
xe,   ve   = [thing[0] for thing in (xall, vall)]
xps,  vpe  = [thing[4:] for thing in (xall, vall)]

theta = np.arctan2(xe[1], xe[0])

xer   = rotatem(xe,  -theta)
xpsr  = np.stack([rotatem(thing, -theta) for thing in xps])

if True:
    fig         = plt.figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')
    w   = 1.5E+08 

    x, y, z = 1E-03 * xe
    ax1.plot(x, y, z, '-b', linewidth=1)
    ax1.plot(x[:1], y[:1], z[:1], 'ok')

    for x, y, z in 1E-03 * xps:
        ax1.plot(x, y, z, linewidth=0.5)
    ax1.set_xlim(-w, w)
    ax1.set_ylim(-w, w)
    ax1.set_zlim(-w, w)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')
    w   = 1.5E+07 

    x, y, z = 1E-03 * (xer-xer)
    ax2.plot(x, y, z, '-b', linewidth=1)
    ax2.plot(x[:1], y[:1], z[:1], 'ok')

    for x, y, z in 1E-03 * (xpsr-xer):
        ax2.plot(x, y, z, linewidth=0.5)
    ax2.set_xlim(-w, w)
    ax2.set_ylim(-w, w)
    ax2.set_zlim(-w, w)
def deriv(X, t):
    x, v = X.reshape(2, -1)
    xx   = x.reshape(-1, 3)
    n    = xx.shape[0]
    accs = []
    for i in range(n):
        acc = np.zeros(3)
        for j in range(4):
            if j != i:
                xxij = xx[i] - xx[j]
                acc += -GM4[j] * xxij * ((xxij**2).sum())**-1.5
    accs = np.hstack(accs)

    return np.hstack((v, accs))

def rotatem(X, theta):
    cth, sth = [f(theta) for f in (np.cos, np.sin)]
    x, y, z = X
    xr = cth*x - sth*y
    yr = cth*y + sth*x
    return np.vstack((xr, yr, z))

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.integrate import odeint as ODEint

GMe   = 3.9860E+14   # m/s
GMm   = 4.9049E+12
GMs   = 1.3271E+20
GMj   = 1.2669E+17
GM4   = GMe, GMm, GMs, GMj
R4    = 6378137., 1738100., 696392000., 71492000.   # m
names = 'Earth', 'Moon', 'Sun', 'Jupiter'

Re, Rm, Rs, Rj = R4

vescs = [np.sqrt(2.*GM/R) for (GM, R) in zip(GM4, R4)]
vesce = vescs[0]

for name, vesc in zip(names, vescs):
    print name, vesc
X0e  = 1000. * np.array([1.3539E+07, -1.5044E+08, -7.7480E+03,
                         2.9164E+01,  2.5290E+00,  8.3979E-04])

X0m  = 1000. * np.array([1.3481E+07, -1.5083E+08,  1.7757E+04,
                         3.0127E+01,  2.3628E+00, -6.1480E-02])

X0s  = 1000. * np.array([9.8486E+04,  1.0333E+06, -1.3866E+04,
                         -1.2308E-02,  6.41628E-03,  3.0230E-04])

X0j  = 1000. * np.array([-4.9851E+08, -6.3418E+08,  1.3781E+07,
                         1.0118E+01, -7.4520E+00, -1.9535E-01])

X0x  = np.hstack([x[:3] for x in (X0e, X0m, X0s, X0j)])
X0v  = np.hstack([x[3:] for x in (X0e, X0m, X0s, X0j)])

d = np.array(((-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0),
              (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0),
              (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)), dtype=float)

xobs = (d*Re + X0e[:3]).flatten()

factor = 1.02
vobs = (d*vesce*factor + X0e[3:]).flatten()

X0x  = np.hstack((X0x, xobs))
X0v  = np.hstack((X0v, vobs))

X0   = np.hstack((X0x, X0v))

rs   = np.sqrt((X0x.reshape(-1, 3)**2).sum(axis=0))

for name, vesc, r in zip(names, vescs, rs):
    print name, vesc, r

times = np.arange(0, 365*24*3600, 10000)

answer, info = ODEint(deriv, X0, times, full_output=True)

n          = answer.shape[0]
xall, vall = answer.T.reshape(2, -1, 3, n)
xe,   ve   = [thing[0] for thing in (xall, vall)]
xps,  vpe  = [thing[4:] for thing in (xall, vall)]

theta = np.arctan2(xe[1], xe[0])

xer   = rotatem(xe,  -theta)
xpsr  = np.stack([rotatem(thing, -theta) for thing in xps])

if True:
    fig         = plt.figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')
    w   = 1.5E+08 

    x, y, z = 1E-03 * xe
    ax1.plot(x, y, z, '-b', linewidth=1)
    ax1.plot(x[:1], y[:1], z[:1], 'ok')

    for x, y, z in 1E-03 * xps:
        ax1.plot(x, y, z, linewidth=0.5)
    ax1.set_xlim(-w, w)
    ax1.set_ylim(-w, w)
    ax1.set_zlim(-w, w)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')
    w   = 1.5E+07 

    x, y, z = 1E-03 * (xer-xer)
    ax2.plot(x, y, z, '-b', linewidth=1)
    ax2.plot(x[:1], y[:1], z[:1], 'ok')

    for x, y, z in 1E-03 * (xpsr-xer):
        ax2.plot(x, y, z, linewidth=0.5)
    ax2.set_xlim(-w, w)
    ax2.set_ylim(-w, w)
    ax2.set_zlim(-w, w)
def deriv(X, t):
    x, v = X.reshape(2, -1)
    xx   = x.reshape(-1, 3)
    n    = xx.shape[0]
    accs = []
    for i in range(n):
        acc = np.zeros(3)
        for j in range(4):
            if j != i:
                xxij = xx[i] - xx[j]
                acc += -GM4[j] * xxij * ((xxij**2).sum())**-1.5
    accs = np.hstack(accs)

    return np.hstack((v, accs))

def rotatem(X, theta):
    cth, sth = [f(theta) for f in (np.cos, np.sin)]
    x, y, z = X
    xr = cth*x - sth*y
    yr = cth*y + sth*x
    return np.vstack((xr, yr, z))

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.integrate import odeint as ODEint

GMe   = 3.9860E+14   # m/s
GMm   = 4.9049E+12
GMs   = 1.3271E+20
GMj   = 1.2669E+17
GM4   = GMe, GMm, GMs, GMj
R4    = 6378137., 1738100., 696392000., 71492000.   # m
names = 'Earth', 'Moon', 'Sun', 'Jupiter'

Re, Rm, Rs, Rj = R4

vescs = [np.sqrt(2.*GM/R) for (GM, R) in zip(GM4, R4)]
vesce = vescs[0]

for name, vesc in zip(names, vescs):
    print (name, vesc)
X0e  = 1000. * np.array([1.3539E+07, -1.5044E+08, -7.7480E+03,
                         2.9164E+01,  2.5290E+00,  8.3979E-04])

X0m  = 1000. * np.array([1.3481E+07, -1.5083E+08,  1.7757E+04,
                         3.0127E+01,  2.3628E+00, -6.1480E-02])

X0s  = 1000. * np.array([9.8486E+04,  1.0333E+06, -1.3866E+04,
                         -1.2308E-02,  6.41628E-03,  3.0230E-04])

X0j  = 1000. * np.array([-4.9851E+08, -6.3418E+08,  1.3781E+07,
                         1.0118E+01, -7.4520E+00, -1.9535E-01])

X0x  = np.hstack([x[:3] for x in (X0e, X0m, X0s, X0j)])
X0v  = np.hstack([x[3:] for x in (X0e, X0m, X0s, X0j)])

d = np.array(((-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0),
              (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0),
              (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)), dtype=float)

xobs = (d*Re + X0e[:3]).flatten()

factor = 1.02
vobs = (d*vesce*factor + X0e[3:]).flatten()

X0x  = np.hstack((X0x, xobs))
X0v  = np.hstack((X0v, vobs))

X0   = np.hstack((X0x, X0v))

rs   = np.sqrt((X0x.reshape(-1, 3)**2).sum(axis=0))

for name, vesc, r in zip(names, vescs, rs):
    print (name, vesc, r)

times = np.arange(0, 365*24*3600, 10000)

answer, info = ODEint(deriv, X0, times, full_output=True)

n          = answer.shape[0]
xall, vall = answer.T.reshape(2, -1, 3, n)
xe,   ve   = [thing[0] for thing in (xall, vall)]
xps,  vpe  = [thing[4:] for thing in (xall, vall)]

theta = np.arctan2(xe[1], xe[0])

xer   = rotatem(xe,  -theta)
xpsr  = np.stack([rotatem(thing, -theta) for thing in xps])

if True:
    fig         = plt.figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')
    w   = 1.5E+08 

    x, y, z = 1E-03 * xe
    ax1.plot(x, y, z, '-b', linewidth=1)
    ax1.plot(x[:1], y[:1], z[:1], 'ok')

    for x, y, z in 1E-03 * xps:
        ax1.plot(x, y, z, linewidth=0.5)
    ax1.set_xlim(-w, w)
    ax1.set_ylim(-w, w)
    ax1.set_zlim(-w, w)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')
    w   = 1.5E+07 

    x, y, z = 1E-03 * (xer-xer)
    ax2.plot(x, y, z, '-b', linewidth=1)
    ax2.plot(x[:1], y[:1], z[:1], 'ok')

    for x, y, z in 1E-03 * (xpsr-xer):
        ax2.plot(x, y, z, linewidth=0.5)
    ax2.set_xlim(-w, w)
    ax2.set_ylim(-w, w)
    ax2.set_zlim(-w, w)
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Python script:

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I ran it twice for 100% escape velocity (first plot), and 102% (second plot). The left side of each plot is in an inertial frame, the right side is in the synodic frame rotating framewith the Earth's orbital motion around the solar system barycenter, centered on the Earth.

I ran it twice for 100% escape velocity (first plot), and 102% (second plot). The left side of each plot is in an inertial frame, the right side is in the rotating frame centered on the Earth.

I ran it twice for 100% escape velocity (first plot), and 102% (second plot). The left side of each plot is in an inertial frame, the right side is in the synodic frame rotating with the Earth's orbital motion around the solar system barycenter, centered on the Earth.

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