[In the following, John doesn't realize he still has a hot mike. Charlie is only faintly audible through John's mike and the following undoubtedly contains transcription errors.]
128:50:37 Young: I have the farts, again. I got them again, Charlie. I don't know what the hell gives them to me. Certainly not...I think it's acid stomach. I really do.
128:53:58 England: Okay, John. We have a hot mike.
128:54:07 Young: How long have we had that?
128:54:10 England: Okay. It's been on through the debriefing. (Pause)
128:18:33 England: [...] And your biomed looks great down here. Just keep up the orange juice. (Perhaps) push on it a little bit there and everything will be fine.
128:18:58 Young: (Amused) Push on the orange juice and everything will be fine?
128:19:02 England: Yeah, push on the orange juice. Rog.
128:19:04 Young: I'm going to turn into a citrus product is what I'm gonna do.
128:19:09 England: Oh, well; it's good for you, John.
[The Apollo 15 crew experienced heart beat irregularities which, post-flight, were determined to have been caused by a potassium deficiency. In an effort to eliminate the problem, the Apollo 16 crew was given large quantities of potassium-fortified fruit drinks.]