Yes, thereThere was a fluid loop that transferred heat from the RTG to cruise stage components, as shown in these diagrams.
Source: Thermal Control of MSL Rover 'Curiousity" Using an Active Fluid Loop
The separation of the thermal control system is described in this paper thusly:
The first major thermal event triggered by the EDL sequence was venting of the working fluid (Freon) from the cruise stage HRS. Before the CS could be separated away from the entry vehicle, the Freon needed to be evacuated from the CHRS in a controlled manner. Freon was vented through a valve at the top of the CS along a vector through the CS center of mass, so as to impart only a minimal nutation to the spinning vehicle. Venting of the Freon from the CHRS meant that all items on the CS, DS and Rover, with power dissipations that were thermally regulated by the CHRS in the cruise phase, were now free to transiently increase in temperature. The degree to which these items increased in temperature was limited by their power dissipations, local thermal environments and thermal masses. As shown in Figure 7, the CHRS controlled the Cruise Power & Analog Modules (CPAMs), Cruise Power Assembly (CPA) and Star Scanner Electronics (SSE) on the CS Avionics plate, the Descent Power & Analog Modules (DPAMs) & Descent Power Assembly (DPA) on the DS Avionics plate, the Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) & Small Deep Space Transponder (SDST) on the DS Telecom plate and the MMRTG on the Rover. There was also a link between the CHRS and RHRS at the Rover cold plates. However, this link was not really critical during the near-Mars, cruise cold condition since the Rover rejected most of its own heat through the Rover heat exchanger cold plates directly to the backshell. The CHRS system was vented at 04:57 UTC SCET on August 6, 2012. After CHRS venting, the electrical cables and HRS tubes across the CS-to-DS interface were severed using pyro-activated cable cutters.
(emphasis mine)
The referenced Figure 7
- CHRS - Cruise HRS
- CS - Cruise Stage
- DS - Descent Stage
- EDL - Entry, Descent and Landing
- HRS - Heat Rejection System
- MMRTG - Multi-Mission RTG
- RAMP - Rover Avionics Mounting Panel
- RTG - Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
- SCET - Spacecraft Event Time
The linked paper is informative, and has a good bibliography too.