The OP links to the Forbes Mar 18, 2017 article Ask Ethan: How Bright Is The Earth As Seen From The Moon? and @PM2Ring comments
FWIW, Dr Ethan Siegel is a qualified astrophysicist and an excellent communicator. You can generally trust his Ask Ethan articles. OTOH, they are pop-sci, and usually don't include the details of his calculations, or links to relevant papers.
So I'd say that it's likely we'll be able to generally confirm Siegel's unsupported assertions. As @PM2Ring points out, assertion-supporting isn't always part of popular science articles, but of course it's a cornerstone of Stack Exchange answers!
So let's have a go at some good old-fashioned Stack Exchange assertion-supporting. :-)
While someone operating a lunar rover (or an automatic one) would use headlights for safety, if you got lost at night and your power was batteries, you would need to nurse them for two weeks until sunrise.
Driving by Earthlight might be fun, necessary, and helpfulDriving by Earthlight might be fun, necessary, and helpful for low-power autonomous rovers since reducing power for headlights might allow a longer range for a given battery mass.
Since the angular width of the illuminated part of the Earth's disk as seen from the Moon can be as much as 2° compared to the Sun's 0.5° shadows will look different, and that weird phenomenon where it's really hard to tell if something is relatively close or really far away that the Apollo astronauts have reported may not be so severe by Earthlight.