Fruit and vegetables are two food groups missing from the list. Fruit could be processed and turned into a low moisture gel prior to travel. Something like fruit rolls ups, but with less sugar and healthier, or even a stiff jam as used for cooking or baking. Dehydrated vegetables could be used, even dehydrated fruits.
Protein will be provided by both the beans and the dried meat or animal based seafood.
Carbohydrates will be provided by the beans, rice and oats. Another item that could be included, to offer a change from rice, is couscous.
Fiber will be provided by the beans and oats and if brown rice is used instead of white rice, more fiber can be obtained from the rice. Gut microbes need to be kept happy!
Fats and oils will be provided by the olive oil and the omega 3 & 6 supplements. Minor amounts may be obtained from the dried animal meats.
Supplements could provide the rest: vitamins, calcium, minerals, fatty acids, electrolytes & potentially sugar pills (or just some form of candy ;-), if one can be disciplined).
Seasonings should be liquid based to avoid messing the inside of the craft and contaminating equipment.
To reduce cooking times in space the rice could be partly cooked & vacuum sealed before going into space. The same would apply to couscous, if it were included. It would make things easier when cooking a "one pot mix" containing rice and dehydrated vegetables, etc.
In one of your comments you state, " I always considered vitamin pills to be an honorary member of the Fruits and Vegetables group". Personally I'd like something mixed in with the rice or oats (in porridge) for both flavor an bulk. I stand to be corrected on this, but I recall information a long time ago which stated that for good digestive system health bulk was required.
Tablets and supplements do not provide bulk, whereas re-hydrated vegetables and fruit will provide some bulk. In addition to assisting with scraping the walls of the digestive system and removing old cells, so of which could be malignant, bulk also provide gut microbes with a habitat.
The other thing with the digestive system is, yes the body does absorb some of the nutrients from the food that is eaten, but the gut microbes also consume some of the nutrients provided by the food & they convert them into something else our bodies require. It's a form of symbioses. For our own health and to avoid digestive system illnesses, such ulcerative colitis, we need to keep the gut microbes happy and a lot of tablets and very little bulk, isn't going to do that.
The gut brain connection needs to be considered as well, as Gut Bacteria Can Influence Your Mood, Thoughts, and Brain. With more than 100 million nerve cells lining the gut, more than in the spinal cord, the enteric nervous system, associated with the gut, is referred to as the second brain.
When it comes to providing food for a space flight crew, much more needs to be considered than just nutrition.