Actually considering an acceleration of 3G you would be less than 8 minutes to accelerate,. On more a more realistic approach and for “engineering” reasons the upper stage has lower accelerations.
So to simplify on what I managed to find and some back of the envelope calculations the passenger would receive some 1,5 G’s on launch up to 3G’s just before the separation. And on the second stage 1G at the start to 2/3 G’s on final burn.
This acceleration are not that high with the higher end at 3G’s, it is however constant acceleration so someone with “bad circulation” or other cardio circulatory deficiency might have trouble getting blood where it should be. That said it is not really constant acceleration given vectoring and time for acceleration the average acceleration should be at about 1,5, 1,7G’s . sqrt((750/480)^2+1^2)*”Earth gravity effect”/”vertical time”=1,6 (e/v) . For information “ev” shouldn’t be more than 1 ( and if anyone tells me this formula is wrong I know I just “simplified this last division”, I welcome you to do the whole calculation though that would take Excel spreadsheets or c++/java, etc. I’m lazy just back of the envelope calculations today.
Still for comparison when you jump some 2 fett high the ground receive some 300kgf if you have an avg height and some 75kg weight. Aceleration of the bady is about 4 g’s and acceleration of the head of the person jumping should be the second highest pasrt of the body so I would guess 5G’s at least. Droping from 5 feet maybe some 6 ~ 8 G’s of deceleration. Both of those are things anyone can do without problem.
Therefore a 3G’s maximum acceleration should be ok.
About the time a trip to the most distant point in the world would take with an acceleration of 8 minutes and considering constant acceleration and equivalent deceleration it would take 45+8min.(45min trip plus 8 minute of acele + 8 minutes decal minus 8minutefrom the trip because the 8min acceleration +8min decel = traveled distance equal to 8min at top speed.
So the acceleration should be ok for someone healthy limited to 3 Gs and they might even trade off a bit of extra delta v for lower acceleration. Travel time at 53 min for the farthest reaches of earth.(Longer range than any commercial airplane by about 45 % from 14000km to 20000km).
Travel time for the longest trips from 14000km at 16 hours to 39,5minutes.
Any doubts ask away.(Btw I’m not English native, just learned the language a couple years ago.)