
During the shuttle program how long before launch would an astronaut eat? With almost 50% of astronauts experiencing space adaptation syndrome, and the possibility of vomiting, did the astronauts prefer (or were encouraged) to go to orbit on an empty stomach?

I am not asking if they chose not to eat because of pre-flight stress (as discussed in the link in the comment). I'm wondering if there was any consideration for vomiting in deciding when to eat?

  • $\begingroup$ That link mentions "pre-flight stress prevents them from enjoying the meal...of the STS-41D crew, 'most of us ate nothing or very lightly. I had a piece of toast'". Was there any consideration for vomiting in deciding when to eat? $\endgroup$
    – Bob516
    Commented Nov 17, 2019 at 15:13
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Other than the title how is my question a duplicate? I'm asking something specifically different from the question What do astronauts eat for pre-flight breakfast? I did not ask what they ate, or if pre-flight stress was an issue. I'm asking about space adaptation syndrome and the timing of eating. $\endgroup$
    – Bob516
    Commented Nov 17, 2019 at 17:22

1 Answer 1


No. The prelaunch timeline for the crew was closely scheduled. Shuttle crews were awakened ~ 5 hours prior to the scheduled liftoff time and ate a meal shortly after they woke up and got dressed. Depending on the scheduled liftoff time, the crew may have been sleep shifting for a week or so prior to launch day.

enter image description here

Source - SCOM, page 5.1-1 Normal Procedures Summary

What and how much they ate at that time was subject to personal choice as discussed here: What do astronauts eat for pre-flight breakfast?

If they feared space sickness they could choose their food appropriately.

They left for the pad ~ 3 hours prior to the scheduled liftoff time.


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