What you see in the comments are all valid partial answer.
Your question is not specific but almost make sense.
TLEs are not written in a cartesian frame, they are in the orbital element frame.
That said, as TLE are special mean orbital elements, you need to use them with SGP4 propagator (see celestrak.com/software/vallado-sw.php suggested by @Greg Miller or the Astrodynamic Standard Package released on Space-Track.org).
SGP4 does output spacecraft position and velocity at some requested time.
So with respect to your question: TLEs inserted in a SGP4 propagator produce ephemeris (position and velocity) in an ECI (Earth Centered Inertial) frame.
There are however different kind of ECI frames, slightly different definitions depending on what is more "handy" and precise for the application.
SGP4 outputs (given a TLE) are given in TEME and its precise definition is given by Seago and Vallado in Coordinate frames of the U.S. Space Object Catalogs (DOI: 10.2514/6.2000-4025).