Linked Questions

10 votes
3 answers

How close would the Tesla Roadster with Starman have to get to Earth in order to become attracted and fall on Earth?

In 2091 the Tesla Roadster is said to maybe get closer to Earth than the Moon is. At Starman's current speed, would its location in 2091 be sufficient for the Earth to re-attract the Starman to let it ...
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5 votes
2 answers

Can Keplerian elements from TLEs be used without SGP?

Are orbital elements in TLEs valid at the epoch? I want to predict an orbit without SGP, but I need some initial orbital conditions.
Voriki's user avatar
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3 answers

Failing at getting apogee and perigee from TLE

At Celestrak, the current orbit for ISS is currently listed as 423x417 km, but if I'm getting the TLE data from Celestrak and use orb.get_lonlatalt(now) from ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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Recreating the eccentricity value of TLE

I cannot confirm the eccentricity value of a TLE using corresponding position and velocity vectors. Let me go through an example, ISS, to explain the situation. Using this TLE for ISS, 1 25544U ...
VolkanOzcan's user avatar
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TLE data conversion to osculating orbit elements [closed]

I got the latest TLE from for a satellite. How could I convert it to osculating elements? Please, share some links/references.
Tarlan Mammadzada's user avatar
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Ephemeris output from Skyfield

Is it possible to use Skyfield to propagate a TLE forwards and then output its ephemeris, rather than geometric x,y,z at some point in the future? I've worked through the examples in the API and may ...
Puffin's user avatar
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Keplerian Orbital Elements ↔ Cartesian ECEI with WGS84 Corrections

I'm trying to write code to go back and forth between equatorial KOE (Keplerian Orbital Elements) and ECEI (Cartesian). ECEI→KOE I found here: How to programmatically calculate orbital elements ...
iAdjunct's user avatar
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From osculating to mean equinoctial elements and back

I'm struggling with orbital elements... I'm trying, at the same time as finding a clear definition to them, to write a piece of code to switch from osculator elements to mean equinoctial elements. I'...
oz380's user avatar
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Orbit Maneuvering

I am working on a project of simulating orbit maneuvering. I have interfaced SGP4 with my current simulation code, however I realized that the orbit maneuvering cannot be done using SGP4. I am aware ...
Deep Machchhar's user avatar
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Why does the eccentricity of Venus's (and other) orbits as reported by Horizons vary based on the frame origin and basis?

I did try to think this through before posting, but I am going to need some explanation. In my (perhaps naïve) view, an ellipse will have the same eccentricity no matter what frame it is in. In ...
sudnadja's user avatar
2 votes
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When will the telescope that last saw Starman/Roadster be able to see it again?

According to this answer to When was the last time that Starman/Roadster was seen? it was last seen by Earthlings at least at 2018-03-19 03:22:33 UTC by a 1 meter ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Predicting Satellite Flyover Calculations by Hand

Recently I used to get a really cool picture of the ISS transiting the sun. The prediction from the website was spot-on. Since then I'm absolutely fascinated by how the prediction ...
ken's user avatar
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