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Initial Value in Vary Command (GMAT)

What number should I give as an initial value in GMAT's Vary command? I have been trying to use default values but in some missions this default value does not lead to the convergence of target or ...
Hasan's user avatar
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How to propagate satellite to orbit intersection (relative node) in GMAT? [closed]

I am trying to propagate the spacecraft to the intersection points of two orbits (relative node) in GMAT. The analytical calculations of the true anomaly of that point is done using the formulas in ...
Hasan Anwar Hussain's user avatar
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Earth to Mars Transfer using GMAT

I saw a couple of people mention here that in order to change the epoch date from the given Mars transfer example on GMAT I would need to change and re-optimize initial conditions. How would I do that?...
user47478's user avatar
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Ноw to configure mission sequence for propagate until desired date in GMAT?

In GMAT, I have a state of satellite for a date (for example, 24.04.2022). Now, I need to propagate its motion for some days forward, until selected date (say, 29.04.2022). I added Propagation into ...
Даниил Галахов's user avatar
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GMAT B-plane Transfer to Mercury

I have been fighting with GMAT for about 3 days now trying to get this transfer to converge so literally ANY assistance and advice would be greatly appreciated. I need to do a direct hohmann like ...
Andrew Blair's user avatar
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How to perform a Hohmann-like transfer to mercury on GMAT

I am trying to simulate a Hohmann-like transfer from Earth to Mercury and establish an orbit there on GMAT. I have the following values already: launch velocity (22.25 km/s) Launch burn (-7.53 km/s) ...
Andrew Blair's user avatar