
I have assignment and part of it involves getting a satellite to orbit both the Earth and the Moon at least once. How ever no matter how I set my initial condition or parameterize my position and time evolve it my satellite won't orbit the moon and comeback. Note both the Moon and Earth lie on the x axis the system is in their co-rotating frame, I am using a fourth order Runge Kutta to simulate the orbit.

Update 1: After some suggestion from the comments below my script to explain the problem a bit more when I run my code the satellite spirals out and does not orbit , I have also added a plot of the satellite

Update 2 : For those wondering where I got my acceleration term for the satellite and why it includes Coriolis and the Centrifugal force along with the gravitational force between satellite and Earth and Satellite and moon see this reference http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/336k/Newtonhtml/node123.html and chapter 7 of this http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/336k/Newton.pdf

Updated 3: Fixed an error in the position of the satellite, and a typo in the comments of the code,updated the image that corresponded to the correction in the code

from pylab import plot,show,xlabel,ylabel,cla,clf
from numpy import linspace,exp,sin,cos,zeros,array,pi ,exp

M2 = 5.972e24 # M Earth kg
M1 = 7.34767309e22 # M moon kg
G= 6.6742e-11
R=3.844e8 #m Earth-moon distance
R_e =6371e3 # Earth radius
R_m = 1737e3 # Moon radius
M_0 = ((M2 - M1)/(M2 + M1))
alpha = pi/3
omega_0 = ((G*(M2 + M1))/(R**3))**(1/2)
T_a = (2*pi)/omega_0 # System period

def dot_p(a,b):
    n= len(a)
    for i in range(n):
        d = d+ a[i]*b[i]
    return d

def abs_v(x):
    return (dot_p(x,x))**(1/2)

r_1 = array([(M2*R)/(M2 + M1),0,0],float) # Position of Moon
r_2 = array([-(M1*R)/(M2 + M1),0,0],float) #Position of Earth
omega =  array([0,0,omega_0],float) #Angular velocity of Earth and Moon

def F(r,t):
    r1 = r[0,:] #Earth position
    vr1 = r[1,:] #Earth velocity
    r2 = r[2,:] #Moon position
    vr2 = r[3,:] #Moon velocity
    r3 = array([R*cos(t),.5*R*sin(2*t),0],float)  +r[4,:] #Satellite position Figure 8 parameterization
    vr3 = r[5,:] #Satellite velocity
    fr1 = -G*M2*(r1 -r2)/(abs_v((r1-r2))**3)
    fr2 = -G*M1*(r2 -r1)/(abs_v((r2-r1))**3) 
    fr3 = (G*M1*(r3 -r_1)/(abs_v((r3-r_1))**3)) -(G*M2*(r3 -r_2)/(abs_v((r3-r_2))**3)) +2*omega_0*array([vr3[1],-vr3[0],0],float)+ (omega_0**2)*array([r3[0],r3[1],0],float) #Gravitational interaction of Satellite with Earth, Moon, Coriolis, and Centrifugal forces
    return array((vr1,fr1 ,vr2,fr2,vr3,fr3),float)

def RungeKutta4o(g,ksi10,vksi10,ksi20,vksi20,ksi30,vksi30,a,b): #Runge Kutta 4th order
    M = 6    
    h = float((b-a)/N)
    t = linspace(a,b,N)
    x1 = zeros((N,3),float)
    x2 = zeros((N,3),float)
    x3 = zeros((N,3),float)
    vx1 = zeros((N,3),float)
    vx2 = zeros((N,3),float)
    vx3 = zeros((N,3),float)
    r = array((ksi10,vksi10,ksi20,vksi20,ksi30,vksi30),float)
    k1 = zeros((M,3),float)
    k2 = zeros((M,3),float)
    k3 = zeros((M,3),float)
    k4 = zeros((M,3),float)
    for i in range(N):
        x1[i,:] = r[1,:]
        vx1[i,:] = r[0,:]
        x2[i,:] = r[3,:]
        vx2[i,:] = r[2,:]
        x3[i,:] = r[5,:]
        vx3[i,:] = r[4,:]
        k1 = h*g(r,t[i])
        k2 = h*g(r +.5*k1,t[i]+.5*h)
        k3 = h*g(r +.5*k2,t[i]+ .5*h)
        k4 = h*g(r +k3,t[i]+h)
        r += (1/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
    return t,x1,x2,x3,vx1,vx2,vx3 

cla()   # Clear axis
r_i0 = r_2 + array([0,R_e+300e3,0],float) # Satellite is initially in Earth orbit
vr_i0 = array([11000,0,0],float) # Initial velocity of satellite
t,R1,R2,R3,vR1,vR2,vR3  = RungeKutta4o(F,r_1,omega,r_2,omega,r_i0,vr_i0,0,10*T_a ) 
plot(R3[:,0],R3[:,1])  #Plots the Satellite orbit R3[:,0] is the x position of the satellite and R3[:,1] is the y position of the satellite

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Welcome to stackexchange! If you haven't already, consider taking the tour. This is not a site for debugging programs, so you'll need to do at least some of that yourself first. For example, what does happen when you run it? Can you try a two-body (basically a one-body) problem and get your satellite to orbit the Earth at least? I ran your script and R3 doesn't even change - your satellite isn't even moving, so you probably have a simple script-debugging issue. $\endgroup$
    – uhoh
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 5:29
  • $\begingroup$ Try to make a much simpler simulation work correctly first, then add complexity one bit at a time. Is the RK4 algorithm working correctly - has it been independently debugged? It seems strange - you dimension $k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4$ as arrays, then immediately assign them as scalars. Actually the way the RK4 algorithm is written suggests you aren't really familliar with python or numpy. Learn them first! $\endgroup$
    – uhoh
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 5:30
  • $\begingroup$ @uhoh I have made simpler simulation first it worked, I assumed that my Satellite was moving because I can plot it's position , When I run the code it spirals out. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 5:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @uhoh I added a picture of what I plot and when run print(R3[:,0]) I get many differing values $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 5:54
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @uhoh I keep the Earth and Moon positions constant and don't vary them that is why I use r_1, r_2 which don't vary. For the second derivative terms I keep the gravitational terms in because the satellite is still in there potential and it energy will change depending on it's distance relative to them and I was given the problem with those terms in there but without there distances varying only the relative distance of the satellite relative to them. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 16:01

1 Answer 1


What you are asking for is called a free return trajectory.

I will not be debugging your program or solving the problem for you (that's your homework), but I will pass on some advice given by Bate, Mueller & White*:

  • There is more than one solution.
  • Don't expect an exact solution from whatever your initial conditions may be.
  • Start off by using the patched conic method.

You can then refine the approximate answer with a more exact numerical integration. If your integrator gives a wildly different answer from patched conics, try inputting some simple Earth orbits and see if the answers make sense. You can check the orbit against an analytical method for perturbations by the moon. It is likely that the integrator is buggy.

Use the patched conic approximation to get a feel for how the evolution of the system is affected by small changes in the initial conditions. Think of what happens at the patch points.

*Fundamentals of Astrodynamics, 1971, Dover, exercise 7.12 on p. 354.


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