I am using the NASA NEO object data:
Given the information in this JSON data, is it possible to calculate the position of the NEO in relation to Earth? It doesn't seem to offer any positional information that I can see.
I am using the NASA NEO object data:
Given the information in this JSON data, is it possible to calculate the position of the NEO in relation to Earth? It doesn't seem to offer any positional information that I can see.
If you would like Horizons to calculate it for you, I've found the following setup the most useful. Instead of using those orbital parameters, a pre-calculated trajectory can usually be found that is made by direct numerical integration, which is more accurate than using static parameters. It's nice to see the eccentricity and semi-major axis on the screen, but for calculating the orbit into the future and past, it's better to stick with state vectors.
You can type several different names or designators and Horizons will make a guess for you. Usually it does a good job, but double check! Here I chose the ID number 3727181
from the file in your link, and it seems to have found the right object, also called Asteroid (2015 RC)
I choose the state vector with both x, y, z and vx, vy, vz. Most of the time I don't use the velocities, but sometimes they come in handy, so I save them at the same time. I choose km and km/sec for units since they directly compatible with off-line numerical integration.
Ecliptic plane (rather than J2000.0 cartesian plane) is the default, and is usually what looks the nicest when plotting, and the CSV format is easy to read in to another program.
The actual table of numbers begins after the line with $$SOE
and ends before the line with $$EOE
. I assume those are Start Of Ephemeris and End Of Ephemeris.