Here is a nice graph of part of what you are asking for. It's from the book Satellite Orbits; Models, Methods, Applications by Oliver Montenbruck and Eberhard Gill, Springer, 2000. The figure and description can also be found in google books.
It shows the magnitude of some major perturbations acting on a satellite in earth orbit from LEO to GEO. This paper states the following on drag due to induced currents: (Beard, D. B., and F. S. Johnson (1960), Charge and magnetic field interaction with satellites, J. Geophys. Res., 65(1), 1–8)
"The magnetic drag resulting from the induced currents is proportional
to the cube of the satellite dimensions and may exceed the mass drag
for satellites larger than 50 meters in diameter; this can occur only
above 1200‐km altitude, where the charge density exceeds the neutral
density. Thus the magnetically induced current is an insignificant
cause of drag."
(I don't have full access to the article but this is taken from the abstract)
It's therefore pretty safe to assume this perturbation to be negligible.
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