Background on Pykrete:
Pykrete is a frozen ice alloy, originally made of approximately 14 percent sawdust or some other form of wood pulp (such as paper) and 86 percent ice by weight (6 to 1 by weight). During World War II, Geoffrey Pyke proposed it as a candidate material for a supersized aircraft carrier for the British Royal Navy. Pykrete features unusual properties, including a relatively slow melting rate due to its low thermal conductivity, as well as a vastly improved strength and toughness compared to ordinary ice. These physical properties can make the material comparable to concrete, as long as the material is kept frozen.
Liquid H2O is used for radiation shielding and What thickness/depth of water would be required to provide radiation shielding in Earth orbit? addresses that, but no one responded to the solid H2O Q part of the question.
Is the crystallized structure of 'ice' better/less-than than that of liquid? I would like to know if some material like Pycrete, material from 'living off the land mentality', has been researched for the purpose of space exploration/living/traveling ... ?