I am in a bit of a pickle. Currently we are designing a space mission. My boss and I do agree that the "what" and "why" needs to be defined first. However, we are in a very strong disagreement on how this is called.
I, for one, think that the "what" and "why" is encapsulated by the "Mission Concept". My Boss thinks it is called the "Mission Scenario". For me the mission scenario is the "how" and "when", my Boss thinks vice versa.
Usually I am fine with accepting definitions like that, its just names for things. However, this time I have a very hard time doing so. Mainly this is because my boss insits this is the "standard way" and "it is defined like this in ECSS". I have now read through ECSS-E-ST-10C incl. Annex A and B, ECSS-M-ST-10C and NASA's System Engineering Handbook and come to the conclusion that the Concept is what I think it is an the Scenario follows suite or can be part of the Concept (which also makes sense) and is also what I think it is. However it is not clearly stated in any of these documents. The strongest hint is a part of this definition, however still not clear.
We discussed this and he wouldn't really listen and argue that he is right. He loves standards and their process so I still considerd that I am wrong and am happy to accept his proposal of calling it "the other way around" of what I would have called it for the sake of moving forward.
However, a world would fall apart for me since I thought I understood all of this (finally after my studies). This is why I came here to hear your guys thoughts and opinions on concept vs scenario. Happy to accept this as well, however I would love to have some closure on this so I ask the hive mind here :)
I know this is oddly specific, so specially thanks to every answer :)