I would like to compute ephemerides for a satellite on a sun-synchronous orbit, starting with only the following parameters1:
- altitude or inclination;
- local time of the ascending or descending node;
- starting date.
Using Orekit, I am able to compute ephemerides for a circular orbit given: the orbit radius, the inclination, the right-ascending node, the true anomaly, and the starting date.
I already know how to link altitude and inclination, and computing the orbit radius from these is trivial, but I do not know how to find the RAAN and the true anomaly given the above parameters.
I found this related question How Local time of a sun synchronous orbit is related to Right ascension of ascending node?, but there the answers do not provide formula to compute the required parameters.
Is there a way to compute the RAAN and true anomaly from the above parameters? Or another way to compute ephemerides starting only with the above parameters?
1 I am assuming this is possible since it is how a sun-synchronous orbit is specified in STK.