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Soyuz parachute cord/rope forces

I'm wondering about the forces (e.g., how much pressure is being applied, how much pulling force, etc.) experienced by the ropes of the Soyuz parachutes when they are deployed. Many thanks!
MORGAN ORMROD's user avatar
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Why does the Soyuz parachute pulsate?

During the recent return of Expedition 47 from the ISS, I noticed the main parachute of their Soyuz capsule pulsating. You can see it in this video: "Flat": "Domed": My wife noted that it looks a ...
James Thorpe's user avatar
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Why does the Soyuz spacecraft's parachute have so many lines?

Image shows a myriad of lines holding down the parachute. I can't even count them all. Is this really necessary? All those strings must surely add a lot of weight to the Soyuz TMA. I would think that ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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Why does Soyuz use a single large parachute vs 3 on most American capsules?

Apollo, Gemini, (Not Mercury), Dragon, CST-100, the set of American capsules all seem to use three parachutes for landing the capsules. This seems like it makes sense. They are usually designed for ...
geoffc's user avatar
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