I'm attempting to compare values between my simulated data for the solar system and the official JPL data, to find errors for the position, velocity, inclination and azimuth.
The simulated data was created by using the initial values from the JPL system for all 10 major bodies (Sun, Planets & Pluto) and then calculating the gravitational perturbations on each body by the other 9 bodies and then combining that with the relativistic effects from the Sun.
The following equations were then used to calculate the position, velocity, inclination and azimuth respectively:
$$r_{p,v} = \sqrt(x^2 +y^2 +z^2) $$ $$\theta = acos(z/r_p)$$ $$\phi = atan2(x,y) $$
The error was then calculated by simply taking the absolute difference between each point from the simulated and JPL data.
I then plotted the points as follows for Earth in 10 day iterations, for 10, 40 and 100 years respectively. Position is in AU, velocity is in AU/day and the time axis is in days.
My question thus is: Do my error plots look reasonable and are there any better methods which I could use to either calculate or represent my data?
Thanks, for all the help in advance.
Edit: Updated graphs with fixed azimuth. Thanks to @uhoh