There are many components they need for each launch.
First stages - they are getting very good at reusing these. Building a few a year, keeps the fleet fresh and enough boosters to not entirely be the limiting factor. (There are only 5 active boosters as I write this). These require larger tankage and 9 engines.
Also, they need to land them somewhere, barge or landing pad, and there is transport time from the landing site. Longer for a barge as you might imagine. Several days.
Second stages - Shorter tankage, and only one engine, but they are never reused. So the rate of building second stages can be a limit on cadence.
Fairings - they are working on reusing these, since they require a large autoclave (Not a cheap facility) and take time to manufacture. To speed it up they need another (or more) autoclaves as a bottle neck and large expenditure.
Launch facilities - this had multiple issues. As you can imagine, 1.5 million lbs of thrust on anything and going by anything, will do a fair bit of damage no matter how strong you build it.
They have worked hard at tweaking the facilities to harden what needs to be hardened and quickly replace what needs to be replaced.
They have three launch facilities. But only one for manned flights, which is also the only Falcon Heavy facility. Converting from single stick to Falcon Heavy is a task that takes some measure of time. (Unknown how long moving the very large and heavy plugs to change takes)
How quickly can you reuse a single pad? That is probably one of the biggest limitations.
TEL - Transporter Erector Launcher - They only have three.
Processing facilities - while each launch facility has the ability to prep a booster, not all are the same size. The LC-40 pad has only room for one core at a time. LC-39A has room for 5. SLC-4 appears to only have room for 3 at most.
All these combine to control the maximum cadence.