Why is it that Controlled Re-entry Vehicles (like the most recent Orion & Dragon) do not use a strong magnetic field during re-entry to "shield" the blunt shaped end from plasma ?
Reasoning: Charged particles (plasma) are deflected by magnetic fields.
The magnetic field will only have to be activated for a few minutes & maybe can also pivot the vehicle by controlling its magnitude ever so slightly. It is mainly used to reduce the heat load/intensity on the heat shield, control descent speed and provide maneuverability Newtons 3rd law states that the magnetic field will slow down the vehicle depending on its strength.
A quick calculation using $F=qvB$, where $v=8900\text{ m/s}$ (highest velocity on reentry), $F=255\text{ kN}$ (3g deceleration on orion crew module $8.5 \text{ tons}$), $q=10\text{ C}$ (Arbitrary) implies $B=2 \text{ Tesla}$. Which is possible to build light.The charge of plasma was chosen randomly, a more accurate charge will be very helpful!