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ISP losses associated with exhaust vane TVC

What is the impact of exhaust vanes, such as those in the A4 and Redstone rockets, on exhaust velocity and overall ISP? As well as this, what is the relationship between ISP losses and the width of ...
R. Hall's user avatar
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Did any rockets use differential throttling instead of gimbal?

It seems the standard approach to control of rockets during launch is either vernier thrusters, or gimbals on the main engines. Sure that works, and is quite efficient, but I wonder about a simpler ...
SF.'s user avatar
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Do gimbaled engines have to be carefully test-fired to ensure the thrust axis intercepts center of rotation?

A smoothly running rocket engine will have a center of thrust axis. If the engine is gimbaled, that axis should pass through each of the gimbal axes (if it's a classical gimbal), or if it is a ball ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What kind of forces and response times/accelerations are needed to gimbal a mid-sized nine-engine rocket's engines?

This answer explains that the gimbaling actuators on each of the nine Rutherford engines on the Electron rocket are in fact electrically powered DC brushless motors. Currently it's not known if they ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What are the two very large "blue" cylinders attaching to the combustion chamber of each Rutherford Engine?

The NASA Spaceflight article Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket set for inaugural flight from New Zealand mentions the upcoming opening of a 10 day launch window: Rocket Lab, a U.S.-based launch service ...
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