
The Phys.org article SpaceX Christmas delivery arrives at space station had a small version of this photo, and I found this large one at wirenews.com's SpaceX Christmas delivery arrives at space station

I think that the object in the background (zoomed, sharpened, and cropped below) is the same or similar to the one shown in Why have four parabolas on a ground-side array instead of just a single large one

A map, or shot with google maps showing where this is would be great!

enter image description here

enter image description here

n this photo taken with a long exposure, a Soyuz rocket carrying a new crew to the International Space Station blasts off from the Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Monday, Dec. 3, 2018. The Russian rocket carries U.S. astronaut Anne McClain, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko‎ and CSA astronaut David Saint Jacques. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @QiLinXue it's okay if your answer has some amount overlap with the other answer, I don't think it's necessary to delete it after you obviously put some work into it. You also have new information and links that would be interesting to others Consider undeleting? It's also a good way to pick up your first few reputation points. fyi users with rep above 10,000 can still see deleted answers anyway. Thanks, and Welcome to Space! $\endgroup$
    – uhoh
    Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 1:52

2 Answers 2


This IP-1 site at Baikonur cosmodrome https://kik-sssr.ru/IP_1_Turatam_Foto.htm

A few examples of other views of the antenna arrays in the question from there:

IP-1 site at Baikonur cosmodrome from kik-sssr.ru/IP_1_Turatam_Foto(dot)htm

IP-1 site at Baikonur cosmodrome from kik-sssr.ru/IP_1_Turatam_Foto(dot)htm

IP-1 site at Baikonur cosmodrome from kik-sssr.ru/IP_1_Turatam_Foto(dot)htm

IP-1 site at Baikonur cosmodrome from kik-sssr.ru/IP_1_Turatam_Foto(dot)htm


The quad parabola is in the "radio-engineering center" (loose translation) here You can't see it well in that Google image, but it shows up clearly in this image of the same area from Apple Maps: enter image description here

The two trapezoidal antennae are to the south east. Again, hard to see on Google, but visible on the Apple version enter image description here (which can be zoomed form this). Looking at the various locations, I think the picture was taken some somewhere near the blue circle, which on Google maps is here. That's also consist with a launch that's generally northeast.


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