Videos available of the recent Minotaur I launch at Wallops for NROL-111 show a yellow jacket on most of the four stage SRB-to-orbit launch vehicle. I read or heard somewhere that wires attached to the ground "banana-peel" the yellow jacket off the rocket as it launches.
I could imagine an insulating jacket on a rocket with cryopropellants, perhaps with clean dry air blown underneath to prevent ice build up, but I can't imagine why this cover would be necessary on an SRB whose heritage is a (presumably) robust ICBM.
Question: Why does the Minotaur I wear a yellow jacket that "banana-peels" off as it launches?
NASA Wallops video "NRO L-111 Launch" cued at about 12 seconds before launch, with a lot of introductory information:
cued at 28:15
There is a lot of cogent discussion in the video before the launch which may be helpful; for some inexplicable reason the NASA Spaceflight narrators suddenly and temporarily loose composure just moments before launch:
Image information google-translated from German:
The Near Field Infrared Experiment (NFIRE) military satellite in April 2007 with a Minotaur-1 missile