In the Soyuz program, quite a few accidents have been caused by malfunctions of the deadexplosive bolts:
- Soyuz 11: deadExplosive bolts designed to fire sequentially fired simultaneously instead, causing a fatal malfunction of a valve.
- Soyuz 7K-T No.39: secondSecond and third stages of the booster did not separate properly.
- Soyuz 5, TMA-10, and TMA-11: theThe service module did not separate from the reentry module
Most other Soyuz accidents seem to have been one time occurrences, but problems with the deadexplosive bolts misfiring seem to be recurring. One would think that deadexplosive bolts are a quite simple and robust technique, so this is a bit unexpected.
Is there an explanation for these frequent issues with deadexplosive bolts?