Modern human civilization needs many elements to function. Our mining efforts are based on extensive logistics and the ability to transport ores from excavation sites to processing facilities over enormous distances.
For Mars, it is not practical at almost any stage of colonization, as it is impossible to settle anywhere without habitat construction and transport infrastructure, both of which require resources. There are no roads, no water transport, and no airborne transport.
Earth could supply at first, but it is so costly that it might not be worth it, as the tyranny of the rocket equation persists.
However, oceans on Earth have a lot of elements dissolved in them and, provided hypothesis about martian oceans holds, won't the salt remnants of martian oceans and lakes be the ultimate ore to mine?
P.S. I would greatly appreciate any papers and articles about this as I haven't found much. The only remotely relevant topic is brine mining for lithium and other elements here on Earth.