I have a Mars landing simulation, and one of the things it calculates is the dynamic pressure as the spacecraft descends through Mars' thin atmosphere (given by $q=\frac{1}{2}\rho v^{2}$). I know it depends on many different parameters such as the atmospheric model used to find $\rho$ vs. altitude and of course the velocity that you have as you enter Mars, but I was wondering if anyone has any data regarding dynamic pressures experienced by spacecraft entering Mars' atmosphere.
2 Answers
A typical rigid mid L/D aeroshell indicated in Mars exploration architecture encounters a maximum dynamic pressure of 11 kPa.
While, Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator would encounter a maximum entry dynamic pressure of 4.24 kPa.
Also, for mid L/D aeroshell based entry vehicles of Ares V kind, (Pg. 14)
The aerodynamic model covers Mach 1.3 through 50, angles of attack of 0 through 90o, and dynamic pressures of 1.E-7 through 0.75 bars
I'm not entirely sure if it is reasonable to infer that max dynamic pressures of 0.1 - 0.75 bar are involved.
Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Analysis Study: Phase 1 Report
For MSL (Curiosity), the expected peak dynamic pressure was 15.4 kPa. (table 8)
I don't know how typical of Mars entries that is.