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2 answers

How much easier is it, to explore space from a low orbit satellite, than from Earth?

Note: in this question I'm considering cost in both money and fuel terms, and looking for answers that consider both. So we know that using chemical rockets to reach the moon, or further into space, ...
Stilez's user avatar
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5 answers

Is atmospheric skimming for propellant feasible?

A recent comment in a discussion of satellite refueling mentioned the possiblity of a spacecraft dipping into the atmosphere from LEO to obtain oxygen. Similarly, the science fiction RPG Traveller ...
Russell Borogove's user avatar
3 votes
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What would be the incremental cost of launching 1 ton of LOX/LH2 into LEO? [duplicate]

I am asking this question in a context of feasability of orbital fuel depots. I understand that cost/kg estimates exist (2-14 k$/kg): What is the current cost-per-pound to send something into LEO? ]),...
Tatane's user avatar
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Would a low pressure container lower hydrogen leakage in space?

Hydrogen, for rocket fuel, tends to leak even through metal containers. Launchers carry hydrogen cooled to liquid in order to save storage space for aerodynamical reasons, but that is unnecessary in ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Are there any proposals to vacuum up gases in orbit for use as propellant?

Space stations like the ISS orbit at an elevation that puts them squarely in the Thermosphere, and while this has extremely rarefied gas (which is probably more accurately a plasma at many times), it ...
AlanSE's user avatar
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