I'm designing a CubeSat mission to the Martian moons, and am having trouble calculating capture delta-V. Once it gets into a circular orbit, I can do the rest, but the capture itself is giving me trouble.
The CubeSat would launch with SpaceX's Red Dragon mission, and would be ejected at some point during the cruise to Mars. According to a paper, Red Dragon will hit the Martian atmosphere at 6 km/s, which would mean it enters the Martian system at 1 km/s.
Most papers on this topic are not especially useful to me, as they assume transfer to Mars using low-thrust propulsion, which enters the Mars system at a much smaller relative velocity.
The CubeSat's thruster would provide an acceleration of about 1 mm/s^2. I can give more details if required. Ideally I'd like to capture into a flat, circular orbit at 25,000 – 30,000 km, but getting the numbers for capture into any orbit would be invaluable.