Linked Questions

4 votes
2 answers

Why aren't rockets launched in movement? [duplicate]

Rockets launched to reach orbit usually start from a stationary position, engines are started and the rocket slowly gain acceleration upwards, eventually reaching orbit. What I'm thinking is that the ...
msb's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Horizontal space launch from a ramp [duplicate]

Question relates to this topic Horizontal space launch Question is rewritten, so some details are probably lost. Here I make a sketch of the launch principle and I want to know, if it could improve ...
Mikhail V's user avatar
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What factors prohibit building a space cannon to launch raw materials? [duplicate]

I am envisioning a magnetic cannon to launch materials directly from Earth's surface to geosynchronous equatorial orbit. The parameters I have in mind are a near vacuum launch tube, about 10 km in ...
Jonathan Huffman's user avatar
59 votes
4 answers

Can gunpowder get you to the moon?

In 'From the Earth to the Moon' (1873) by Jules Verne, A huge cannon is used to send a spaceship to the moon. A lively discussion in chapter IX leads to using 400,000 pounds of fulminating cotton to ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Can magnets be used to launch spacecraft?

I assume there is some reason we don't use magnets to launch off Earth. Are they not strong enough? Isn't magnetic force technically stronger than gravity?? Would either of these work: A tube tunnel ...
Space Librarian's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Could I home-brew my own rocket fuel?

RP-1 is highly refined kerosene. If I bought a supply of commercial-grade kerosene, by what process could I convert it to RP-1, And, while I'm at it, do I have any good choices for non-cryogenic ...
Jerard Puckett's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Could an Earth volcano impart escape velocity on lightweight matter?

When a big volcano erupts like Krakatoa or Mt St Helens does it send steam, smoke, dust, rocks high enough and fast enough to escape Earth? Could any lightweight matter from a volcano actually get ...
Rose White's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Could pull from a space elevator be used to assist a rocket launch?

Well, more specifically, using a counterweight like you'd find in a non-space elevator to give the rocket a little acceleration before firing up and spending all that fuel-to-lift-the-fuel-to-lift-the-...
Stephen Voris's user avatar
3 votes
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Why are rockets launched from speed 0 instead of giving them a speed boost with a terrestrial vehicle? [duplicate]

One thing that was very clear when playing Kerbal Space Program is that you need a lot of fuel to launch a rocket. What's worse, the more fuel you add, the heavier the rocket gets, requiring even more ...
Shahbaz's user avatar
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Small Rocket Questions [closed]

I'm interested in space technologies and have basic understanding of rocket flights. When looking at large commercial rocket launches, i noticed that the lift of process from ground takes very long (...
sgt_johnny's user avatar