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Questions regarding the spacesuits that astronauts wear whilst in space

2 votes

Why ISS Astronauts have red stripes?

There wasn't a lot of red already on the spacesuits. At least one suit used a yellow stripe: Apollo 15 backup commander Dick Gordon. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
12 votes

Would've the CO2 scrubbers failed before the O2 supply ran out during an Apollo moonwalk?

Edit: Uwe posted his answer 8 seconds before mine. I've run his numbers using moles, and come to the same conclusion. There is 1.0 lb O$_2$ x (1000 g / 2.2 lb) x (mol O$_2$ / 32.0 g O$_2$) = 14.2 mol …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
5 votes

Do any spacesuit designs (including prototypes, conceptual, etc) use radiators rather than o...

During the service module spacewalk during Apollo 15-17, all three astronauts' spacesuits were connected by umbilicals to the command module. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
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19 votes

How did astronauts tie the laces on their gloves?

There was no need for astronauts to adjust the laces. Laces were for sizing parts of the suit, not for putting them on or taking them off. Unpressurized, the Mark IV was considered comfortable, and …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
1 vote

Apollo suit atmosphere before launch?

The answers below are from Apollo Experience Report: Development of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit, NASA Tech Note D-8093. The air inside the suits was always 100% oxygen. Yes, even after the Apo …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
10 votes

International Orange?

Yuri Gagarin wore the first space suit in 1961, the SK-1. It was orange.
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
4 votes

Nose-scratching Velcro in spacesuits: hook side or loop side?

This close-up photo of Neil Armstrong's feedport from a NASA webpage appears to be hook. OrganicMarble was therefore correct that it varies between astronauts, as a personal preference item.
DrSheldon's user avatar
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-1 votes

What are the quickdraws for around the torsos of the crew-1 crew?

However, the practice has historically been done in spacesuits to prevent ballooning when the suit is pressurized. … Apollo spacesuits had restraint cables that were hidden inside the suit. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
6 votes

What first aid options do astronauts have during an EVA?

To answer the medical aspects of this question, all Apollo spacesuits had a hypodermic injection port in the right thigh. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
6 votes

How do EVA suits manage water excretion?

We have an answer for Shuttle, and an answer for ISS. Here is the answer for Apollo. The main strategy was to prevent sweating in the first place. The astronauts wore a Liquid Cooling Ventilation …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
18 votes

Did they manufacture six space suits for Apollo astronaut James A. Lovell?

The serial numbers of the Apollo spacesuits are documented on this NASA webpage. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
  • 48.4k
16 votes

Why do astronauts wear spacesuits during launch?

Knives, guns, survival food, and water rations have all been parts of spacesuits. Rescue. … Spacesuits also often carry radios, radio beacons, mirrors, flashlights, and glow sticks. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
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6 votes

Was any hole in the upper layers of the Apollo suits found caused by a micrometeorite impact?

The 2008 paper Lunar Dust Effects on Spacesuit Systems: Insights from the Apollo Spacesuits studied the outer-most layers of Apollo 12 LMP Alan Bean's and Apollo 17 LMP Harrison Schmitt's EVA suits, Schmitt's …
DrSheldon's user avatar
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23 votes

In simple terms, how does the way space suits manage breathable gas differ from how scuba ge...

Intravehicular spacesuits are worn inside the cabin in case of emergencies, particularly during ascent and descent. The Mercury suits were manufactured by Goodrich. … Extravehicular spacesuits are used for spacewalks and moonwalks. Some of the David Clark suits for Gemini were modified for EV use. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
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12 votes

Could a spacesuit similar to the suit of Felix Baumgartner be used on the Moon and Mars?

Both the moon and Mars have very rough terrain, which is hard on spacesuits. …
DrSheldon's user avatar
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