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Orion re-entry velocity: Why is it higher than Apollo?

Title says it all. I am puzzled why Orion will be traveling faster than Apollo.
Christine Ocho's user avatar
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Why does the the Artemis I translunar flight (have to) last 6 days while the Apollo fights to the Moon lasted only about 3 days? [duplicate]

Does the Artemis I flight to the Moon have to last so long compared to the about 3 days long lasting Apollo flights because the Orion spacecraft has to enter into a distant retrograde orbit (DRO) ? Or ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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Where is Artemis on this Earth-Moon three-body bifurcation plot? Where's the near-rectilinear halo orbit for example?

Below is a $\mu = 0.01215$ bifurcation plot from E. J. Doedel, E.J. et al's Elemental periodic orbits associated with the libration points in the circular restricted 3-body problem International ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Are L1 and L2 orbital periods always half the orbital period of the massive bodies?

Are L1 and L2 libration point orbital periods always half the orbital period of the massive bodies? The halo orbital period of JWST is a half a year. The ...
Woody's user avatar
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Could there be a relatively stable near-rectilinear halo orbit associated with the Sun-Earth L1 or L2 points? Would the Moon screw it up?

Question: Could there be a relatively stable near-rectilinear halo orbit (NLHO) associated with the Sun-Earth L1 or L2 points? Would it be similarly stable as the Earth-Moon NLHO proposed for the &...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why is the re-entry velocity of Orion almost the same as the escape velocity?

I have read that the predicted re-entry speed on the Artemis I mission for the Orion spacecraft into the Earth's atmosphere is about 24,500 mph or 10.9 km/s. Why is it almost the same as Earth's ...
Olliwaa's user avatar
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Will it be possible for the crewed Orion spacecraft to fly over the lunar south pole to land the VIPER rover there?

Artemis 2, the planned crewed mission of the Orion spacecraft, will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2022 and will then be the first crewed spacecraft to the Moon in 50 years ! VIPER is a lunar ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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Will NASA put astronauts into a polar lunar orbit? If so, how?

The NASA news item New Space Policy Directive Calls for Human Expansion Across Solar System says: New Space Policy Directive Calls for Human Expansion Across Solar System and the administration is ...
uhoh's user avatar
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