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2 votes
1 answer

Are ECI and ECEF Frames, and Do They Belong to the Geocentric Equatorial Coordinate Systems?

I'm completely confused about the difference between geocentric equatorial coordinate systems, ECI, and ECEF. David Vallado, in his book 'Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications,' mentions that ...
ed190's user avatar
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Perifocal to ECI using Argument of Latitude

Suppose a satellite is orbiting Earth in a circular orbit. I know the following orbital elements: Inclination i, RAAN (Ω), Semi-major axis a (or orbit radius given that it is a circular orbit) ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Calculate velocity vector of elliptical orbit given the position vector at that point, the instantaneous speed, the true anomaly, and the inclination?

Sorry if this is obvious, but I am an amateur at orbital mechanics and trigonometry was never my strong suit. I would like to calculate the velocity vector at a point in an orbit given: position ...
John Doe's user avatar
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(In ECI) How can I compute the RAAN of an orbit given the eccentricity vector, the declination of the orbiter at apoapsis, and the inclination?

I am working on a personal project, and I want to write a program to obtain the RAAN given the angle of the eccentricity vector to the X-axis (ECI) along the XY plane, the declination (angle from XY ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Why ECEF does not coincide with ECI on January 1, 2000 at 12.00? [duplicate]

I assumed that ECEF frame coincides with ECI frame on January 1, 2000 at 12.00. To see that, on MATLAB, I used the dcmeci2ecef() function as: ...
ismailhy58's user avatar
3 votes
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Transformation ECI to ECEF acceleration and forces

I know that for velocity conversions between ECI and ECEF there is an $\omega \times r_{ECI} $ term, such that the overall transformation is $v_{ECEF}=v_{ECI}-\omega \times r_{ECI}$. In my belief ...
alexmesa's user avatar
5 votes
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In which direction does the x axis of the ECI at 1.1.2000 at 12:00 (J2000) go and where is the 0 deg meridian?

I am currently getting a bit lost in reference frames and coordinate systems. From my point of view, I am currently in the ICRS frame. I know that the ECI from my point is only moving but not rotating,...
Olgidos's user avatar
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Calculating angular deviation from LEO magnetic field

The situation I need to calculate pointing errors for a satellite that points along Earth's magnetic field. The satellite's position and orientation are given to me w.r.t ECI J2000. The orientation is ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to find ECI coordinates for a circular orbit

Suppose a satellite is orbiting Earth in a circular orbit, of which I know the inclination $i$, the right ascension of the ascending node $\Omega$, the semi-major axis $a$ (or orbit radius given that ...
cholo14's user avatar
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1 answer

How to solve the two-body problem in the ECI frame through numerical integration?

I need to know how to solve two-body problem by solving a system of first order equation derived from the equation below. $$\ddot{\mathbf{r}} = -\frac{\mu}{r^3}\mathbf{r}$$ How do I go about this, and ...
spreadsheet_wiz's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Are ECI and ECEF both frames and/or coordinate systems? Is there a difference?

I don't know really know the difference between a frame and a coordinate system. I'd proposed ECEF and ECI tags, do we need them? Frames seems to be the standard in meta but there is concern so any ...
uhoh's user avatar
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J2000 to current ECI transformation matrix

I want to find the transformation matrix that converts an ECI frame at some time 't' (lets say t = 1st January 2020) to J2000 ECI frame (that is ECI frame at noon of 1st January 2000). From what I ...
Ayush Mehta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Could the orbit of a satellite place it on the z-axis of the ECI coordinate frame (x=y=0)?

It is mostly a hypothetical question; I assume the answer is no, but I am looking for any data to contradict my claim that there are none or at most only one satellite at a time which could ever ...
tdMJN6B2JtUe's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Accuracy of direct ECI (Earth-Centered Inertial) to LLA (Longitude, Latitude, Altitude) conversion via sub-satellite point?

The process of converting between ECI and LLA is generally known to be complex, as it involves a intermediate conversion to ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed). This, in turn, involves the ...
jos's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this commonly attributed ECI (Earth-Centered Inertial) to ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed) transformation accurate?

As noted in this previous Stack Exchange question, and many others like it, the transformation from ECI to ECEF (or vice versa) is not a simple process, requiring several steps and considerations (...
jos's user avatar
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5 votes
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C/Fortran library for ECI to ECEF conversion

Does anyone know of a good C or fortran library which constructs the rotation matrix to convert from ECI to ECEF components?
vibe's user avatar
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