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Questions tagged [parachute]

A parachute is an object used to slow down objects. It's often found in either a round or rectangular shape. In regards to space travel it's often used to slow down capsules after re-entry allowing for safe landing or to slow down space shuttles after landing.

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11 votes
1 answer

Why does Soyuz use a single large parachute vs 3 on most American capsules?

Apollo, Gemini, (Not Mercury), Dragon, CST-100, the set of American capsules all seem to use three parachutes for landing the capsules. This seems like it makes sense. They are usually designed for ...
geoffc's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

Why don't 3-parachute descent systems collide and collapse?

The Orion reentry vehicle will have a parachute system. Like Apollo, they'll have 3:     Orion Parachute Drop Test on May 1, 2013 A model of NASA's Orion spacecraft glides ...
AlanSE's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Did any Apollo missions have backup parachutes?

NASA's Apollo modules, the ones that went to the moon, had a fairly standard-for-the-time reentry method: Hit the atmosphere at the right angle, deploy a parachute after things are done burning up, ...
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13 votes
2 answers

Use of steerable parachutes for re-entry

Apart from testing Rogallo wing for Gemini capsules are there any cases of use of steerable parachutes/wings for final phase of re-entry of space vehicle? When landing in big steppe or ocean it doesn'...
Tomislav Muic's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

What are the disadvantages of parachute+airbag for atmospheric landing, versus rocket-based?

After Sojourner success, repeated by Spirit and Opportunity, it seemed like we had developed a fail-proof system for atmospheric landing for our probes: there's very little that can go wrong with the ...
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