Linked Questions

55 votes
3 answers

Is 75 meters an exceptionally close distance for two satellites to pass at >6,000 m/s?

While researching for this question I ran across something called Celestrak Socrates. I requested the ten closest predicted approaches, and saw distances of closest approach of the order of 100 ...
uhoh's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Starman/Roadster in a=1.795 AU orbit, now what's the method to this madness?

The question SpaceX's 4,425 satellite constellation - what's the method to the madness? received an excellent answer explaining the rationality behind the madness plan. Elon Musk's tweet (spotted ...
uhoh's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

How do the Starlink satellites shine?

As we can see the Starlink satellites with the naked eye as they pass by. I was wondering about what makes them visible. Do they have large mirrors that reflect the sunlight making them look as if ...
John's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Why are there no LEO satellites in the earth's equatorial plane?

From my elementary school understanding of Satellite orbits, I know that GEO satellites are placed in equatorial plane, MEO satellites are placed in an smaller degree inclined plane while LEO ...
KharoBangdo's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to replace Internet with LEO satellites?

Bulk information regarding anything in this world is available in a single touch through Internet. My question is whether it is possible to replace this Internet with a constellation of Cubesats in ...
Romean's user avatar
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2 votes
7 answers

How would blockchain be integrated into spaceflight? Have any methods been proposed yet?

Blockchain offers a way of keeping track of information such that its authenticity can be verified and it can not easily be falsified. In a space environment with an increasing number of both active ...
uhoh's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How will several thousand Low Earth Orbit satellites affect the night sky?

SpaceX has unveiled its plans to launch a bunch of satellites into the Low Earth Orbit, and according to Wikipedia, the number is either 4500 or 7500 (not sure, could be the sum of both). The ...
user1306322's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Realistic cost and feasibility of sun-shading?

I got in a discussion about possible solutions for climate change and this Wiki-article on sun-shading was proposed as a alternate solution with some ideas I'd not heard of. The cloud of small ...
userLTK's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How low is VLEO? (FCC's newest approval for SpaceX)

Engaget's SpaceX gets FCC approval to deploy thousands more internet satellites says SpaceX's plan to build a global, high-speed wireless internet network using satellites has taken another step ...
uhoh's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why 53º orbits for Starlink?

In the UCS satellite dataset, I see a very modest number of non-Starlink LEO satellites around 53º (see graph below). Conversely, Starlink satellites are regularly deployed around that inclination. ...
user39677's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

For constellations of circular LEO satellites, are there allocations of available "slots" in altitudes?

The BBC article SpaceX aims to launch internet from space discusses the SpaceX proposal for a dense array of 4,425 LEO satellites distributed among 83 orbital planes in five inclination groups as ...
uhoh's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How are multiple low orbit communication satellites per launch distributed along an orbital plane for global coverage?

SpaceX talks about launching 4,425 communication satellites into 83 different orbital planes at 1,100 km altitude. That's about 50 satellites per orbital plane. In terms of capacity to LEO, a Falcon 9 ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How stable is an orbit of 335.9 km?

Spacex has recently begun deployment of its satellite constellation that will provide internet services. In their initial filings with the FCC they propose that they may have over 7,000 VLEO (very low ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can a LEO based satellite constellation revive the analog radio or TV era?

Many analog terrestrial radio and tv transmitters have been replaced by digital ones like DTT and DRM technologies. Analog radio signals include FM, MW and even SW. Although the quality of reception ...
ObliteratedJillo's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What does the Starlink constellation look like now? Numbers of planes and inclinations?

In the question SpaceX's 4,425 satellite constellation - what's the method to the madness? I took the orbital parameters in SpaceX's filing SpaceX non-Geostationary Satellite System Attachment A - ...
uhoh's user avatar
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